ASHURA-The Iga Ninja Group
Authentic ninja traditions kept alive in Iga-Ueno.
UKI Production Company
忍術実演Ninja Show
◆公演日や公演時間は、天候や諸事情によって変更する場合が あります。
Please note that all schedules are subject to change due to
weather conditions and any other unforeseen interruptions.
※ショーの出張、写真・動画撮影、TV・映画・CM出演、講演などのご依頼・お問い合わせは お気軽に「お問い合わせ」フォームよりご連絡下さい。

伊賀忍者特殊軍団 阿修羅
我々「阿修羅」は、 伊賀流忍術発祥の地、三重県伊賀市が世界に誇る、日本遺産※「NINJA」を世に広めようと、忍者の歴史の残し方、伝え方を追求している団体です。
台湾・韓国・アメリカ(ハワイ、ワシントン桜祭り・ニューヨークタイムズトラベルショー)・中国(北京)・スペイン・フランス(パリジャパンエキスポ)・イタリア(ミラノ万博)・ブラジル・タイ(バンコク)・イギリス(ロンドン)でも公演を実施。その他、TV(NHKワールドの番組、「NINJA TRUTH」)、CM、映画、舞台にも出演しています。
ASHURA - The Iga Ninja Group
Iga City in Mie Prefecture, Japan, is the birthplace of Iga-ryu ninjutsu, and prides itself in its ninja legacy and traditions, and the ninja have been designated a Japan Heritage asset by the Japanese government.
The Ashura Ninja Group, named after Ashura, the God of War, researches and preserves Iga’s ninja heritage and performs at the Iga-ryu Ninja Museum over 1,200 times a year. Their authentic, high-paced dynamic performances, focusing on the techniques, mental, physical, and technical prowess of the ninja has earned them praise from around the world and makes for a truly unique Iga experience.
The Iga-ryu Ninja Museum features original ninja tools and devices including the iconic shuriken throwing stars. The Ashura Ninja Group’s powerful demonstrations using swords, shuriken and gunpowder show how these ninja relics on display were actually used by the ninja.
The Ashura Ninja Group have performed in Taiwan, Korea, America (Hawaii, the National Cherry Blossom Festival 2012 in Washington, D.C, and the New York Times Travel Show in New York), China (Beijing), Spain, France (Japan Expo 2013 in Paris), Italy (Milano Expo 2015), Brazil, Thailand (Bangkok), England (London). They regularly appear on TV shows such as NHK World’s Ninja Truth and other history programs, in commercials, movies and theatre productions, and are recognized as Mie Prefecture and Iga city’s official ninja.
Iga’s Ashura Ninja Group entertains visitors with expert performances,
and strives to preserve and maintain the true traditions of Iga-ryu ninjutsu.
Please contact Ashura Ninja Group for ninja tools, devices, secret documents, and other materials rental.